Tuesday 8 September 2009

Cargo Lash Activator End Of Week 3 & Mum's Review So Far

Here are my Mum's lashes at the end of week 3, I thought it was better to hear from her so after the photo is her review of the product so far.
After 3 weeks of using the Cargo Lash Activator mascara and having my eyelashes open to scrutiny, I thought I should write a bit about the experience.
Firstly the mascara is very thin, not drippy but it takes a very long time to dry; you can’t even look down without acquiring a row of dots till a good 5 minutes after application.
It is the absolute opposite of waterproof, the slightest moisture sets it running, but as it says, you can use it as an undercoat, so I have been using Elf waterproof mascara as a top coat which does remove the panda factor.
Are my lashes getting fuller/longer? I leave that to you to decide with the photos. But what I can tell you is that since using this product, my lashes have become super silky, and the number of snapped and fallen out lashes has declined.
I think it is well worth a go, and maybe the other brands will compete and bring the high price down, I will give you my opinion at the end of the experiment, 5 weeks to go!


  1. Well! I think the lashes look thicker. Most definitely. Don't think that there's length but there is certainly more lashes on there. Thanks for the great post. Can't wait to see the other weeks!

  2. They definately look thicker and have grown in length a touch, not loads but it's visible. I can't wait to see how they develop further! x

  3. They look thicker yes! :) A product i can recommend if u need longer lashes and thicker is Lipocils, that really works :)

  4. Great review, they really look thicker!

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  5. There are so many version of this type of "lash actorvater" about! I so want to try :) Results look promising xx

  6. they look a lot thicker and fuller...great review...can´t wait to see the new results...xoxo

  7. Oooh ive been trying this the past few weeks and my lashses seem silkier too! Your second pic of eyelashes do seem thicker to me, will have to see what they look like after the next 6 weeks :)



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