Sunday 18 October 2009

Blog Awards and Tag

This week I have been given 3 blog award/tags! I love these and it always makes me smile seeing that I have been tagged!
So first I was nominated by Tacky Blue Eyeshadow and Get Gawjus for the Beautiful/Gorgeous Blogger Award!

For this award you have to list either 7 random facts or 7 helpful things. I will go with the random facts as I haven't done that before. You then have to tag 7 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.

1. My makeup obsession only really started last year, I have worn makeup since I was about 15 but happily owned one medium make-up bag filled with drug store products, I started watching Panacea81 on youtube and I went out and bought Mac's Sharkskin shadestick and the obsession began!

2. I hate my hair colour, every hairdresser I ever go to loves it as its a shade that lots of people want but can't get through hair dye but I have always hated it! I used to get teased mercilessly as a child about it! It didn't help that my parents have black & brown hair, there were always lots of jokes about me being the milkmans!

3. I am music obsessed (You probably new that already!) I can happily go without TV as long as I have my ipod/stereo. I go to a ridiculous amount of concerts (I have a list over on the right of bands I have seen so far as well as the amount of times I have seen them!) I have even been to America twice to see the Goo Goo Dolls on New Years Eve.

4. I have 5 tattoos although I have been tattooed 6 times as one was a cover up, they really are an addiction and I am planning my next one.

5. I love photography, my absolute dream job would be a concert photographer, I posted some of my favourite photos I have taken ages ago, if you want to see them click here.

6. I have a phobia of swimming in the sea, there are just too many creatures in there for my liking, paddling is as far as I go.

7.  I used to obsessively straighten my hair, mine is naturally curly and I hated it! I have come to love my curls though and now I look at photos of my flat lifeless straight hair and cringe!!

I tag

Make Up By Caroline
The Gloss Goss

The second tag is the You Make Me Smile Tag which I got from the lovely Lipglossiping, I love this tag!


-You have to put a song that makes you happy.
- You can tag as many people as you like, there is no limit.
- Say at least one thing about each blog you tag, that will make them smile, something nice about their blog that makes you smile when you read it!
The song:

Goo Goo Dolls & Elmo - Pride, this is absolutely guaranteed to make me smile! Incase you don't know who the Goo Goo Dolls are or haven't heard the original of this song here is a live version as I can't find the official video on youtube anymore :-(

I Tag:

Helen at Helen and Sheenies Nice things
Helen is fuelling my Nail addiction! She posts incredible nail photos and I am so envious of her incredible long nails! Got to meet up with Helen at the Illamasqua event and she is lovely!

Michelle writes such great blog posts and has inspired more than one of my purchases lately!

Robert Smith's Mistress
She writes great honest and in depth reviews on products, is one of those blogs that I love seeing a new post from!

Bleeding Beauty
She posts some gorgeous eye of the days and I love her style!

Tacky Blue Eyeshadow
This is one talented blogger, I especially loved her entry for the Illamasqua contest!

And anyone else that wants to do this!!


  1. Aww! Thanks for the tag! I'll have to try and do this if I can actually choose a song...I like way too many!! Your comment made my day :D xx

  2. Thanks so much for the tag! xxx

  3. Thanks so much Jo! I am made up that you like my blog :-)





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