Sunday 11 October 2009

Nars Haul

Since I sold my only Nars eyeshadows in my blog sale my beauty obsessed brain said I was allowed to go and replace them! So I nipped into John Lewis after work on Friday and picked up a couple of duos. I originally intended to only pick up one but the MA said if I bought two items I would get a goody bag so obviously I picked another one! Here is what I picked up
Eyeshadow Duos in Cleo & Habanera, I am honestly in love with both of these, Cleo was the one I originally wanted but I am so glad I was tempted in to picking up Habanera. The purple shade is gorgeous and I can see myself using this all the time! Here are some swatches
In the goody bag I got samples of the Makeup cleansing oil, Brightening Serum, Makeup Primer and a mini lipgloss set. The lipglosses are really tiny there is 2.15ml in each but knowing the rate at which Nars glosses get the plasticine smell that is probably a good thing, I am in love with the colours, they are Supervixen, Female Trouble and Rose Gitane.
What are your favourite Nars products?


  1. Love the look o those duos - My current NARSfave is the Mekong shadow - so amazingly well pigmented!

  2. Are those mini? OMG how cute!!
    Love the look of cleo!! x

  3. Beautiful haul. I LOVE Mekong too

  4. @ Mizzworthy & Legseleven7 - I looked at Mekong while I was there and I was really tempted! I decided on these as they were really different from anything I already own.

    @ Tali - The lipglosses are so cute, they are so tiny!! Cleo is gorgeous and has a beautiful shimmer, if you like greens then I highly recommend it!

  5. Wow, They look all so gorgeous. I've heard so many bad things about NARS shadows being not very pigmented but these look great! x

  6. @ Vampiressdoll - I think there are good and bad, I wouldn't purchase online as I really think you need to swatch the shadows as a few of them are literally pressed glitter! Some are super pigmented though! x

  7. I nominated you to do a tag!
    check my blog please =)

  8. Those colours are gorgeous! I've nominated you for a couple of awards. Check out my blog! :) x

  9. They are too cute... I had to be dragged from the Nars display in SpaceNK last week... too much lovely stuff. Was in love with Ashes to Ashes and Cairo... my S-I-L was literally drooling on Strada.

    I tagged you on my blog xx



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