This week I have been given 3 blog award/tags! I love these and it always makes me smile seeing that I have been tagged!
So first I was nominated by Tacky Blue Eyeshadow and Get Gawjus for the Beautiful/Gorgeous Blogger Award!
For this award you have to list either 7 random facts or 7 helpful things. I will go with the random facts as I haven't done that before. You then have to tag 7 other bloggers and let them know they have been nominated.
1. My makeup obsession only really started last year, I have worn makeup since I was about 15 but happily owned one medium make-up bag filled with drug store products, I started watching Panacea81 on youtube and I went out and bought Mac's Sharkskin shadestick and the obsession began!
2. I hate my hair colour, every hairdresser I ever go to loves it as its a shade that lots of people want but can't get through hair dye but I have always hated it! I used to get teased mercilessly as a child about it! It didn't help that my parents have black & brown hair, there were always lots of jokes about me being the milkmans!
3. I am music obsessed (You probably new that already!) I can happily go without TV as long as I have my ipod/stereo. I go to a ridiculous amount of concerts (I have a list over on the right of bands I have seen so far as well as the amount of times I have seen them!) I have even been to America twice to see the Goo Goo Dolls on New Years Eve.
4. I have 5 tattoos although I have been tattooed 6 times as one was a cover up, they really are an addiction and I am planning my next one.
5. I love photography, my absolute dream job would be a concert photographer, I posted some of my favourite photos I have taken ages ago, if you want to see them click
6. I have a phobia of swimming in the sea, there are just too many creatures in there for my liking, paddling is as far as I go.
7. I used to obsessively straighten my hair, mine is naturally curly and I hated it! I have come to love my curls though and now I look at photos of my flat lifeless straight hair and cringe!!
I tag