Monday 3 August 2009

Sonisphere festival!

Advance warning that this is not a makeup post! What a weekend! Last week my friend found out she had won tickets to the Sonisphere festival at Knebworth and she took me along with her!
It was a great festival, there was a really good atmosphere and the security/staff were really helpful and friendly! Even the toilets weren't that bad!!
I got to see some great bands, some for the first time! The highlights for me would have to be NIN, Metallica, Linkin Park, Feeder, Buckcherry(Plus getting to meet them!), all the random drunks that were very funny and the kid rocking out on the guitar hero metallica stage, he was a legend, he crowd surfed and everything! There were some utterly rubbish bands too but we can't all like everything! I wish we had been able to camp, we had camping tickets but just didn't have enough time to organise everything so we had to leave before the end of the headlining acts to get the train home!

We had complete extremes of weather, Saturday was raining and horrible then Sunday was really hot and sunny, even though I had a crap load of sunscreen on I am still sporting some very attractive sunburn today!
As usual for these kind of events the majority of my money was spent on drink/food but I did manage to pick up a couple of things!
The first thing was this really unusual silver pendant, it was only £4 and I really like it!

This necklace was £5 and as soon as I saw it I had to have it! I love that the clasp at the back is a little button! The colours in the mother of pearl really don't show up in this picture, its much prettier in person!

And finally this T-Shirt, I have a bit of a vampire obsession and one of the clothing stalls was having a sale so I got this for £7!
I didn't take my camera but my friend did so will post some pictures once she sends them to me!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! I have a couple more posts I will try to get up in the next few days, a 50 subscriber contest and my swap with Em aka Too Much Blush!


  1. Ohhhh you are soooooooo lucky! I would have killed to go to that festival. I would have loved to have seen Alice in Chains (I know it is not the same since Layne Staley passed away but they would have been great to see no less)

    I actually had tickets for Download but got sent to Singapore with my work. I was gutted about this!!! Would have rather been rocking out any day!

    Glad you had a good time. Loving your blog



  2. It was a really good weekend! I really wanted to go to Download, I have been saying that for the past few years! Next year I definately need to go!
    I have subscribed to you too! x



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