Sunday 20 December 2009

Eyebrow Threading

Yesterday I went and got my eyebrows threaded, I was having a chat with an American friend who has never even heard of it so thought I would do a quick post on my opinion!
I have never waxed my brows, had a very bad experience waxing my legs once, I very stupidly stuck a strip on and then stopped to answer the phone, since then have avoided it like the plague! I used to pluck my own brows, I never really went over the top just plucked the obvious stray ones. I then ventured into House Of Fraser one day and handed over my £14 and had them threaded. I'm not gonna lie, it hurts!!! The first time is the worst as you don't really know what to expect. I learnt the hard way that you are best having no eye makeup on at all as it makes my eyes water like crazy!!
I have since found an Indian beauty salon in my area that only charge £2.50 and personally I think they do a better job.
I took a photo about half an hour after I had them threaded, as you can see you are glowing for a good while afterwards! This is going to be different depending on how your skin reacts. Some people are back to normal an hour later, others like me will still have redness for 12 hours!

You can also see where the thread snapped and cut my eyelid a bit! It was my fault for not holding my eye taught enough.

I do really like the effect that threading gives but don't believe people that tell you it doesn't hurt, anything that involves ripping hair out is gonna hurt! I have a pretty high pain threshold and its not unbearable but definately uncomfortable! The plus side is that it's so quick, even if you go in there with the bushiest eyebrows in the world you will be out of the chair in less than 5 minutes.

What is your prefered method for hair removal?


  1. I did this for the first time the other month and HOLY COW!

    Did the eyebrows and upper lip and im still criging when i think of the pain. But it was worth it!

  2. They look good!
    I've only tweezed myself, I like to have my own eyebrow shape and plus my hairs grow back overnight and I'm always plucking round my brows so I've never understood the concept of threading. x

  3. I've had mine threaded once, in India. Hurt like hell, didn't help that I was hungover too, I'll never make that mistake again! I really liked how it look, but in the UK I'm back to plucking again. Threading chairs seem to be popping up in all kinds of stores though!



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