Friday 5 February 2010

Playing with the OCC Lip Tars

Tonight I had a chance to have a quick play with my OCC Lip Tars, I am absolutely in love with NSFW. There are so many more combinations I can't wait to try but here are some quick pictures of what I tried out tonight. These are not perfectly applied and by the end my lips were so sore as I really had to scrub to get them off! These are taken without flash but under artifical light so colours are washed out a little bit.
Grandma and Hush
Pagent (Very lightly)
Pagent and Hush
NSFW and Hush

Are there any combinations you have tried that you have loved? Any other colours I should get?


  1. Omg....I think I've just fallen in love with Grandma and Hush! I want! Great swatches! :) x

  2. OOO i like the nsfw and hush mixed!!!

    I have goddam tonsilitis again! in bed dying of boredom have been playing with those glittery pigments we got. Dropped on ALL OVER THE BED! :/ xx

  3. NSFW and Hush looks gorgeous!
    My favourite combo I've done is a more or less equal mix of Hush and Pageant with just a touch of Feathered :) x

  4. loving the combinations. i saw you at the Hakuhodo stand at IMATS and i was one breath away from saying hello then got shy. Next time however! most def!



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