Wednesday 22 April 2009

So I jumped on the Lash bandwagon...

and picked up two pairs of the Girls Aloud lashes! I got Nicola and Cheryl, I'm sure you have seen plenty of pictures of these by now!
Just wanted to let you know that these are on offer in Superdrug, the whole eyelure range is buy one get one half price. Although there are no signs saying these are included they are! With the discount it works out to £7.33 for the two pairs!
And if anyone in the London area is looking for them they had loads of all of them in the Superdrug on Oxford Street near Marble Arch!



  1. Ok... I still cant figure out to make them stay put (im rubbish at lashes) I also got Nicole, Cherly and I got.. I think its Kimberly too. Let me know what you think of them!

    And isnt that Superdrug the filthiest place ever?! Everything is dirty and opened!!

  2. Will definately let you know!
    Have you been in there recently?? I haven't been in there for ages and it was completely different, they have a huge Barry M counter in there now and loads more make up ranges but I am trying to save money so I didn't look!

  3. I went like a week ago.. but i think they had a vandalism issue as literally the nice Barry M display was all messed up and stuff was smeared EVERYWHERE!

    Lol I know I try not to go in or I come out poorer!



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