Wednesday 18 November 2009

OPI and H&M Nail Polish Haul

I finally got to check out the OPI holiday colours and I picked up three. Merry Midnight was the one I knew I wanted, its a gorgeous purple with flakes and glitter. Smitten With Mittens is a slightly more grown up Ruby Pumps, it's a deeper red shade, the glitter looks gold in the bottle but just looks red on the nail. Holiday Glow is a gorgeous brown/plum with silver glitter, its a beautiful colour and I can't wait to use it!

I was really tempted to get Glove You So Much which is a really dark shimmery maroon but I resisted as I'm sure I will be able to find a cheaper dupe for this.

I then had a quick look in H&M and spotted these Holo polishes, they also had Silver & Gold but I already have China Glaze polishes in those colours. These were only £4 each, I am really looking forward to trying these with Konad!

Expect to see these as nails of the week soon!!


  1. Love the haul chick! The glittery OPI polishes look gorgeous! :)


  2. Looking forward to the NOTDs! Love Merry Midnight, and am very curious about the H&M polishes.

  3. I love Merry Midnight. :) It's my favorite right now.

  4. They are the ones I got except I got Crimson Carol instead of Mittens as I thought Mittens looked a bit too much like Ruby Pumps (which I have already).

    You'll LOVE Holiday Glow - I've just scheduled a post on it :)

    Oh and are H&M copying Illamasqua's bottle shape??



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